This information supplements the Privacy Policy for POPCORN available here. In the following we provide you with a list of all cookies and other web tracking tools on Popcorn, which are provided either by us or by third parties.

1. Our own cookies (so-called "first-party cookies")
We use these cookies to analyze web traffic, tailor services, content and ads to your needs and interests, measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and promote confidence in and security of the service. In addition, we use first-party cookies to distinguish the various users from each other and, in conjunction with the log files of our web server, to calculate the total number of people who visit the service. The web usage data collected in this way helps us to receive the necessary feedback to continuously improve the service.
Users can prevent the acceptance of first-party cookies by configuring their browser settings so that they do not accept cookies at all. However, if this setting is made, you may not be able to use certain current or future elements of our website.

2. Cookies, tools and plug-ins provided by third parties (so-called "Third Party Cookies")
In addition to first-party cookies, we also use the following third-party cookies and plug-ins provided by the following vendors on our service:

Available on the stores

You'll find POPCORN on the stores. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.

App store Google play